The King's Man
Release Info (view changes): 2h 10m- December 22, 2021 (Wed) (wide) - 20th Century Fox
- 2022 (Digital)
Theatrical Schedule Changes:
Director: - Moved to 12/22/2021 on 3/23/2021
- Moved to 8/20/2021 on 1/22/2021
- Moved to 3/12/2021 on 12/11/2020
- Moved to 2/12/2021 on 9/23/2020
- Moved to 2/26/2021 on 8/27/2020
- Moved from 2/14/2020 to 9/18/2020 on 11/18/2019
- Matthew Vaughn
- R - Restricted
sequences of strong/bloody violence, language, and some sexual material.