Theatrical Release Dates

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TBD 2019
#AnneFrank - Parallel Stories
16 Shots
17 And Life Doesn't Wait
The 27 Club
5 Is the Perfect Number (5 e il numero perfetto)
522. Un gato, un chino y mi padre
70 Big Ones (70 Binladens)
A Minuscule Adventure (Minuscule - Les mandibules du bout du monde)
Adam und Evelyn
Adults in the Room
Adventures of Dally & Spanky
Alan Pakula: Going for Truth
Alfons Zitterbacke: Das Chaos ist zurück
Alice and the Mayor (Alice et le maire)
All About Yves (Yves)
All Against All (Vsi proti vsem)
All Inclusive
Allahu Akbar
Altered Skin
Ambition Shout! Factory Films
American Exit Lionsgate Premiere
American Relapse
An Officer and a Spy (J'accuse)
Anne at 13,000 ft Cinema Guild
The App
Appena un minuto
Around the Sun
The Art of Waiting (Neffilot)
The Atom: A Love Affair
Attack of the Demons
Au nom de la terre
Auggie Samuel Goldwyn Films
The Australian Dream
Baghdad in My Shadow
The Bailey Experience
Bajo el mismo techo
Balance, Not Symmetry
Barcelona 1714
The Bastard's Fig Tree (La higuera de los bastardos)
Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Bayala - A Magical Adventure
The Bears' Famous Invasion of Sicily (La fameuse invasion des ours en Sicile)
The Beast in the Jungle
Behind the Blood
Benjamin Blumchen
Bentornato presidente
Berlin Bouncer
The Best Is Yet to Come (Le meilleur reste a venir)
The Best Years of a Life (Les plus belles annees d'une vie)
The Big Trip
A Bigger World (Un monde plus grand)
The Birdcatcher's Son (Fagelfangarens Son)
Black Rabbit
The Black String
Blame Game (Das Ende der Wahrheit)
Blood Quantum
Bloody Marie
Blue Note Records: Beyond the Notes
The Bobot
Bodies at Rest
The Boy Band Con: The Lou Pearlman Story
Breath of Life (L'Ordre des Medecins)
Bridges of Time
The Brighton Miracle
A Brilliant Monster Gravitas Ventures
Bring The Soul: The Movie
Broken Dreams
Bros: After the Screaming Stops Gravitas Ventures
Brothers' Nest
Bruno Sammartino
Buddha in Africa
Burning Men
Buttons: A Christmas Tale
Buy Me a Gun (Comprame un revolver)
C'est quoi cette mamie?!
Call Me Intern
The Calling
Camp Wedding
Carga Breaking Glass Pictures
Cats (Cats and Peachtopia) Viva Pictures Distribution
Cecchi Gori
Cellar Door
Cetto c'e, senzadubbiamente
Checker Tobi und das Geheimnis unseres Planeten
Chi Chi Em Em
Chiara Ferragni - Unposted
The Child Remains
Chinese Portrait Cinema Guild
Cinema mon amour
Cinema Morocco
Citizen Rosi
City of Joel Samuel Goldwyn Films
Claire Darling (La derniere folie de Claire Darling)
Cleo: If I Could Turn Back Time
A Clever Crook (Un beau voyou)
Clown Fear
The Collini Case (Der Fall Collini)
The Combination: Redemption
Como Novio de Pueblo
The County
Crazy Alien
Critters Attack!
Cross 3
C’est quoi cette mamie ?!
The Dare
Dark Encounter
Dark Lies the Island
Dark Place
Das letzte Mahl
Das perfekte Geheimnis
Das Wunder von Taipeh
The Dazzled (Les eblouis)
De Belofte van Pisa
Dead Earth
Dear Frank
Defender of the Faith (Verteidiger des Glaubens)
Dem Horizont so Nah
Demain est a nous
Der kleine Rabe Socke - Suche nach dem verlorenen Schatz
Der letzte Bulle
Dia de Muertos
Die Drei !!!
Die Goldfische
Diego Maradona
Dilili in Paris (Dilili a Paris) Samuel Goldwyn Films
Divine Love (Divino Amor)
Dolce Fine Giornata
Domani e un altro giorno
Don't Be Nice
A Dose of Happiness
Dreamfactory (Traumfabrik)
The Driver
The Drone
Eco-Terrorist: The Battle for Our Planet Breaking Glass Pictures
Eine ganz heisse Nummer 2.0
El cerro de los dioses
El Complot Mongol
El Guardia
El numero nueve
Elcano & Magallanes: La primera vuelta al mundo
Eldorado Kino Lorber Films
Empty by Design
Enemy Within
Everybody Changes (Todos Cambiamos)
Everything - The Real Thing Story
Eye for an Eye (Quien a hierro mata)
The Eyes of Orson Welles Janus Films
F*ck de liefde
The Faceless Man
Farewell to the Night (L'adieu a la nuit)
Farming Momentum Pictures
Fathers and Son (Deux fils)
The Festival Lionsgate
Fiela se Kind
Final Ascent: The Legend of Hamish MacInnes
Finding Farideh
Finis Terrae
Fortune Defies Death
The Fourth Kingdom: The Kingdom of Plastics
Frances Ferguson
Frida - Viva la vida
Fritzi: A Revolutionary Tale
Fulci for Fake
Gap Year
The Garden of Evening Mists
The Gasoline Thieves (Huachicolero)
Gauguin in Tahiti - Paradise Lost
Gay Chorus Deep South
General Commander
The German Lesson (Deutschstunde)
Get Her...If You Can (Que te juegas?)
Get Lucky
The Ghost Who Walks
Girls Always Happy (Rou qing shi) Icarus Films
Gli uomini d'oro
Gloomy Eyes
Go Fish
God of the Piano Film Movement
Golden Youth (Une jeunesse doree)
The Good Girls (Las ninas bien)
Good Posture
The Greatest Gift (El mayor regalo)
Green Light
Guadalupe Reyes
The Guest (L'ospite)
A Guide to Second Date Sex
Gut gegen Nordwind
A Hairy Tale (Maskhare Baz)
Half White
Hate Among Us
Heavy Duty (Convoi exceptionnel)
Here Awhile
Heroic Losers (La odisea de los giles)
Hoffnungsschimmer am Horn von Afrika
Holiday Breaking Glass Pictures
Hollow Point
The Holy Family (La sainte famille)
Holy Lands
Homeless Ashes
Hope Frozen
Horrible Histories: The Movie - Rotten Romans
The Hottest August
Humberto Mauro
Hunter's Moon
Hunting for Hedonia
The Huntress: Rune of the Dead
Hurley The Orchard
Hurt by Paradise
I Am That Man
I Am the Prize
I Can Quit Whenever I Want (Lo dejo cuando quiera)
I Had a Dream
I Hate You, But It's Killing Me
I Love My Mum
I Spit on Your Grave: Deja Vu
I Was, I Am, I Will Be (Es gilt das gesprochene Wort)
I'm Going to Break Your Heart
I'm Leaving Now (Ya Me Voy) Cinema Guild
I, Leonardo (Io Leonardo)
Ich war noch niemals in New York
The Ideal Palace (L'incroyable histoire du facteur Cheval)
If I Were a Rich Man (Si yo fuera rico)
Il gatto e la luna (The Cat and the Moon)
Il giorno piu bello del mondo
Il grande salto
Il primo Natale
Immenhof - Die Abenteuer eines Sommers
The Immortal (L'immortale)
Imperial Blue
In a New York Minute
In Vino
The In-Between
Infection (Infeccion)
Inna de Yard
Inside Lehman Brothers Gravitas Ventures
Integrity (Lian zheng feng yun)
Into the Labyrinth (L'uomo del labirinto)
Invasion Planet Earth
Invincible Dragon
Io sono Mia
Is That You? (Eres tu, papa?) Breaking Glass Pictures
J'irai ou tu iras
Jade Dynasty
James vs. His Future Self
Janani's Juliet
Jean-Paul Gaultier: Freak and Chic
Jim Allison: Breakthrough Dada Films
Joan of Arc
Josie & Jack
Joyeuse retraite!
Jusqu'ici tout va bien
Kalte Fusse
The Keeper (Trautmann)
Ketchup & Soya Sauce
A Kid from Coney Island 1091 Pictures
Killing the Dead (Matar a un Muerto)
Kirschbluten & Damonen
Kiss Kiss Cleopatra Entertainment
The Knight of Shadows: Between Yin and Yang
L'agenzia dei bugiardi
La boda de mi mejor amigo
La dea fortuna
La lutte des classes
La Palma
La vertu des imponderables
LA Woman Rising Gravitas Ventures
Lake of Death (De dodes tjern)
Lancaster Skies
Last Breath
The Last Heroes (Cli Ultimi Eroi)
Le dindon
The Legend of 5 Mile Cave
Lejos del fuego
Leprechaun Returns Lionsgate
Les barbares de La Malbaie
Les invisibles
Les reines de la nuit
Let's Dance
Letter to the Editor
Letters from Antarctica
Lev Yashin: The Dream Goalkeeper (Lev Yashin. Vratar moey mechty)
Level 16
Liberty: Mother of Exiles
Lion Rock (Shi zi shan shang)
The Load (Teret) Grasshopper Film
Long Day’s Journey Into Night Kino Lorber Films
The Long Home Great Point Media
The Longest Shot
Lost and Found (Je promets d'etre sage)
Love at Second Sight (Mon inconnue)
The Lunnis and the Great Fairy Tales Adventure (La gran aventura de los Lunnis y el libro magico)
Lynn + Lucy
M for Malaysia
Made in Bangladesh
Made in China
The Mafia Is No Longer What It Used to Be (La mafia non e piu quella di una volta)
The Magic Life of V (Veeran maaginen elama)
The Man from Kathmandu Vol. 1
The Man Who Saved Paris
Marfa Girl 2 Breaking Glass Pictures
Maria's Paradise (Marian paratiisi)
Marilyn Breaking Glass Pictures
Master Cheng (Mestari Cheng)
Mat Biec
The Match (La partita)
Matthias & Maxime
The Mayor of Rione Sanita (Il sindaco del Rione Sanita)
Me & My Left Brain
Mein Lotta-Leben
Mentada de Padre
Merci pour tout
The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead (Rusalka: Ozero myortvykh) Shout! Factory Films
Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri
The Miracle of the Saragasso Sea (To thavma tis thalassas ton Sargasson)
Mirreyes vs Godinez
The Miseducation of Bindu
Modalità aereo
Momenti di Trascurabile Felicita
Moti Bagh
Ms. Purple
Murder Me, Monster (Muere, monstruo, muere) Distrib Films
My Adventures with Santa
My Extraordinary Summer with Tess
My Family and the Wolf (Ma famille et le loup)
My Home India
My Life as a Comedian (En komikers uppvaxt)
My Name Is Daniel
My Son
The Mystery of Henri Pick (Le mystere Henri Pick)
Nepal: Beyond the Clouds
The Nest (Il nido)
The New King of Comedy
Nicky Larson et le parfum de Cupidon
Night Drive
The Night Sitter
Nine Nights
No Filter (Chamboultout)
Noah Land
The Nomads
Nose to Tail
Not to Be Unpleasant, But We Need to Have a Serious Talk
Notre Dame
Nous finirons ensemble
Nous, le peuple
Odissea nell'Ospizio
Oh Mercy! (Roubaix, une lumiere)
Old Boys
The Old Man: The Movie (Vanamehe Film)
On the President's Orders
One Nation, One King (Un peuple et son roi) Distrib Films
One Role for Two (Ni une ni deux)
Only the Animals (Seules les betes)
Operation Chicago
Ostwind - Aris Ankunft
Other Music
Out in the Open (Intemperie)
Outlaws A24 Films
Over the Rainbow
Padre no hay mas que uno
Palm Beach
Paper Boats
Paradise War: The Story of Bruno Manser (Bruno Manser - Die Stimme des Regenwaldes)
Perdiendo el este
Persona non grata
Place des Victoires
Planeta 5000
Pledge IFC Films
Pop Black Posta
Por que miente la gente
Premier de la classe
The Pretenders Cleopatra Entertainment
Puppet Killer
Puppy Swap: Love Unleashed
Q Ball
Quand on crie au loup
Queen of Hearts (Dronningen)
Qui m'aime me suive!
Qui non si muore
Rag Doll
Reason (Vivek)
Rebels (Rebelles)
Red 11
Regresa El Cepa
Reinventing Rosalee
Relativity (Mein Ende. Dein Anfang.)
Remember Amnesia
Remember Me
The Rememberer
Return to Hardwick
The Rise of the Synths
The River You Step In
Rocca verändert die Welt
Rock Paper Scissors
Romulus & Remus: The First King (Il primo re)
The Ronda Rousey Story: Through My Father's Eyes
The Room
Room 37: The Mysterious Death of Johnny Thunders
Santa in Training
Scattering CJ
Se mi vuoi bene
A Second Chance: Rivals!
The Serengeti Rules
Serial (Bad) Weddings 2 (Qu'est-ce qu'on a encore fait au bon Dieu?)
Sew the Winter to My Skin
Shanghai Fortress
The Shepherd (A Pasztor)
The Shiny Shrimps (Les Crevettes Pailletees)
Sick, Sick, Sick (Sem Seu Sangue)
Siege on Liperti Street
The Silent Party (La Fiesta Silenciosa)
The Silent Revolution (Das schweigende Klassenzimmer) Distrib Films
Simple Women
Sisters in Arms (Soeurs d'armes)
Sisters in Freedom
Sobibor Samuel Goldwyn Films
Sono solo fantasmi
Sordo: The Silent War
Southern Tale
Space Dogs
The Specials (Hors normes)
Spellbound (Les envoutes)
Spoons: A Santa Barbara Story
Spread Your Wings (Donne-moi des ailes)
The Spy (Spionen)
Stay Still (Stillstehen)
Steven Arnold: Heavenly Bodies
Still Life in Lodz
The Street
Susi Susanti: Love All
The Swallows of Kabul (Les Hirondelles de Kaboul)
Sweetheart (Mon bebe)
Swoon (Eld & Lagor)
Sympathy for the Devil (Sympathie pour le diable)
Synonyms (Synonymes) Kino Lorber Films
Take Home Pay
A Tale of Three Sisters (Kiz Kardesler)
Talking About Trees
Tanguy Is Back (Tanguy, le retour)
Tattoo of Revenge (Rencor tatuado) Breaking Glass Pictures
Territory of Love (L'autre continent)
Tesla Nation
The Chills: The Triumph and Tragedy of Martin Phillipps
The Girl in the Fog (La ragazza nella nebbia) Distrib Films
The Lamb (L'Agnello)
The Need to Grow
The Vegetarian (Il vegetariano)
There's Something in the Water
These Peculiar Days (Los dias particulares)
Things I Do for Money
This Boy Is a Child
This Is Not Berlin (Esto no es Berlin) Samuel Goldwyn Films
This Train I Ride
Those Who Remained (Akik maradtak)
Three Days and a Life (Trois jours et une vie)
Through Black Spruce
Tills Frank skiljer oss at
TKG: The Kids of Grove
To Live Twice (Vivir dos veces)
Tomorrow We Are Free (Morgen sind wir frei)
A tor bella monaca non piove mai
Torpedo: U-235
The Tower (Wardi)
The Trouble with You (En liberte!) Kino Lorber Films
True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality
Tucked Gravitas Ventures
Turma da Monica: Lacos
Tutta un'altra vita
Tutto il mio folle amore
Twin Flower (Fiore gemello) Film Movement
Uber Grenzen - Der Film einer langen Reise
Un Papa Pirata
The Unborn
Und wer nimmt den Hund?
Unheimlich perfekte Freunde
Union of Salvation (Soyuz spaseniya)
Vagoneros (Marioneta)
The Vasulka Effect
Venise n'est pas en Italie
Ventajas de viajar en tren
Waiting for Bardot (Aspettando la Bardot)
Walking With Elephants
The Wall of Mexico
The Wandering Soap Opera (La Telenovela Errante) Cinema Guild
The Warden
Wat Is Dan Liefde
We Are Gold (Nous Sommes Gold)
We Shall Not Die Now
The Weasel's Tale (El Cuento de las Comadrejas)
Western Arabs
What a Lion
What Will Become of Us
What You Gonna Do When the World's on Fire?
When Tomatoes Met Wagner
When We Last Spoke
While at War (Mientras dure la guerra)
The Whistler: Origins (El Silbon: Origenes)
White Chamber
White Light
A White, White Day (Hvitur, Hvitur Dagur) Film Movement
Wings Over Everest
The Wisdom Tooth
The Wolf's Call (Le chant du loup)
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines
Words from a Bear
The World or Nothing
The World's Most Dangerous Paper Route
TBD January 2019
We Are Three (Somos Tr3s) Breaking Glass Pictures

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