Theatrical Release Dates

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TBD 2020
10 jours sans maman
23 Walks
30 jours max
365 Days (365 Dni)
50 or Two Whales Meet on the Beach (50 (o Dos ballenas se encuentran en la playa))
50 Years of Fabulous
7 Hours to Win Your Heart (7 ore per farti innamorare)
99 Songs
Abbi Fede
Adam Strand Releasing
Adventure Boyz
Adventures of A.R.I.: My Robot Friend
Alex's Strip (La cinta de Alex)
All We've Lost
Alle in einem Boot
Alle utlendinger har lukka gardiner
Alone with Her Dreams (Picciridda)
Alta Vista
The Amityville Harvest
Anonymous Killers
Any Day Now (Ensilumi)
Anything for Jackson
Appearances (Les apparences)
Arab Blues (Un divan a Tunis)
The Arrangement
Arthur & Merlin: Knights of Camelot
As God
The Assent
The Atlantic City Story
Ausgrissn! - In der Lederhosn nach Las Vegas
Baba Yaga: Terror of the Dark Forest (Yaga. Koshmar tyomnogo lesa)
A Band to Honor
The Barcelona Vampiress (La vampira de Barcelona)
A Barge on the Ocean (Une barque sur l'ocean)
The Battle of the Bulge: Winter War Cineverse
Be Good or Be Gone
Before the Fire
Being a Human Person
Belle fille
Below the Fold
Berlin Berlin
Besser Welt als Nie
The Best Is Yet to Come (Bu zhi bu xiu)
Beyond Human Nature
The Big Hit (Un triomphe)
The Big Step (Il grande passo)
Birds Like Us
Black Wall Street Burning
The Blessed
Body of Water
The Book of Vision
The Breitner Commando (Qu'un sang impur...)
Broken Law
Budapest Heist (Pesti balhe)
Burraco Fatale
Bye Bye Morons (Adieu les cons)
Caged Birds (Bis wir tot sind oder frei)
Calamity (Calamity, une enfance de Martha Jane Cannary)
Canadian Strain
Caught in Time (Chu bao)
Charlie's Christmas Wish
Chasing Nightmares
Chernobyl (Kogda padali aisty)
Children of the Sea (Kaiju no Kodomo) GKids
A Christmas Gift from Bob
City Hall
City of Salt
Clapboard Jungle
The Claus Family (De Familie Claus)
Climate Hustle 2
Corazon Ardiente
Cosa sara
Counter Column
County Lines
Coven (Akelarre)
Crackhouse of the Dead
Creators: The Past
Cronica de una tormenta
Cross the Line (No mataras)
The Crossing (Flukten over grensen)
Cuban Dancer
The Dakota Entrapment Tapes
Darkness (Buio)
The Dawn Vertical Entertainment
Days (Rizi) Grasshopper Film
De Beentjes van Sint Hildegard
De Schooltuin (The Schoolgarden)
Death of a Ladies' Man
Deerskin (Le daim) Greenwich Entertainment
Delete History (Effacer l'historique)
Deliver Us From Evil (Daman Akeseo Goohasoseo)
Devoto, la invasion silenciosa
Die Hochzeit
Die Känguru-Chroniken
Dino Dana: The Movie (One Day Only) Fathom Events
Dinosaur Train: Adventure Island
Dirty God Dark Star Pictures
Divine (Der gottliche Andere)
Divorce Club
Do Not Reply
Dollhouse: The Eradication of Female Subjectivity from American Popular Culture
Dragon Rider (Drachenretter)
Dream Raider
Drowning Letters (Cartas mojadas)
Ducobu 3
The Eastern Front: The Point of No Return
Easy Does It Gravitas Ventures
Effigy - Poison and the City (Effigie - Das Gift und die Stadt)
El exorcismo de Carmen Farias
El inconveniente
El verano que vivimos
El Vestido De La Novia
Electric Silence
Ellie & Abbie (& Ellie's Dead Aunt)
Emerald Run
The End of the Storm
Enormous: The Gorge Story
Erna at War (Erna i krig)
Es ist zu Deinem Besten
Escuela para Seductores
Everyday Miracles (Cotton) Cineverse
The Exception (Undtagelsen)
Faking Bullshit - Krimineller als die Polizei erlaubt!
Farewell Amor IFC Films
February's Dog
Fellini degli spiriti
The Fight for Greenland
Find Your Groove Gravitas Ventures
Find Your Voice (Re Xue He Chang Tuan)
Finding Jack Charlton
Fishing with Dynamite
The Forgotten Battalion Gravitas Ventures
Fracketty Frack: It's the Frackpocalypse
Free Color
Freres d'arme
From Iceland to Eden Cinema Libre Studios
From Jail Cell to Stem Cell
Fugitive Dreams
Fukushima 50
Furtive (Al Acecho)
Gamemaster Gravitas Ventures
Ghost Tropic Cinema Guild
The Girl on the Bridge
The Girl Who Left Home
Gli anni piu belli
God, You're Such a Prick (Gott, du kannst ein Arsch sein!)
Granny Nanny (Enkel für Anfänger)
Green Fever Lionsgate
Hand Rolled Cigarette
Harami: The Bastard
Hasta que la boda nos separe
Hello Again - Ein Tag fur immer
Here Comes Rusty Cineverse
Here We Are
Here We Move Here We Groove
Hidden Away (Volevo nascondermi)
Hold Me Right
How to Be a Good Wife (La bonne epouse)
How to Start a Small Business Cineverse
The Hunger
Hunter’s Creed Cineverse
The Hunting
Hypnosis (Gipnoz)
I AM PATRICK Fathom Events
I WeirDO
Il caso Braibanti
Il Regno
Il talento del calabrone
Ilargi Guztiak
In Other Words
In Search of Darkness: Part II
In the Footsteps of Elephant
Indigo Valley Giant Pictures
Into the Beat - Dein Herz tanzt
Into the Deep
Island of Lies (La isla de las mentiras)
It Cuts Deep
It Snows in Benidorm (Nieva en Benidorm)
IWOW: I Walk on Water Grasshopper Film
J'irai mourir dans les Carpates
Jeunesse sauvage
Jim Button and the Wild 13 (Jim Knopf und die wilde 13)
Jozi Gold
Julia Scotti: Funny That Way
Just Like a Woman (Eleonore)
Kids Run
King of Raves (Konig der Raben)
Kitty Mammas
Klases Salidojums 2
Knutsen & Ludvigsen 2 - Det Store Dyret
L'aventure des Marguerite
La belle epoque 101 Studios
La belva
La Foquita: El 10 de la Calle
La lista de los deseos
La mancha negra
La mia banda suona il pop
La Rivoluzione Siamo Noi (Arte in Italia 1967/1977)
La volta buona
Laddie: The Man Behind the Movies
Lagos to Oslo
Lassie Come Home (Lassie - Eine abenteuerliche Reise)
Last and First Men
The Last Fishing Trip (Sidasta veidiferdin)
The Last Frontier (Podolskiye kursanty) Shout! Factory Films
Lawrence: After Arabia
Le bonheur des uns...
Le lion
Lennox Lewis: The Untold Story Screen Media Films
Les blagues de Toto
Les cobayes
Letto numero 6
Lille Sommerfugl
Linda and the Mockingbirds Shout! Factory Films
Lindenberg! Mach dein Ding!
The Little Penguin Pororo's Dinosaur Island Adventure
The Little Penguin Pororo's Treasure Island Adventure
A Little Red Flower
Liz's Wait
Lockdown all'Italiana
Los conductos Grasshopper Film
Lost at Christmas
The Lost Prince (Le prince oublie)
Lotti oder der etwas andere Heimatfilm
Love After Love
Love by Drowning
Love Song Paramount Pictures
Lovers (Amants)
Lowdown Dirty Criminals
Lyod 2
Ma Voix t'accompagnera
Maddy the Model
Mafia Inc.
Magari (If Only)
Make Me a Leader
Mambo Man
March for Dignity
Marona's Fantastic Tale GKids
Masters of Love
Maverick Modigliani
Max & Me
Max und die Wilde 7
Meet the Censors
Meine Freundin Conni - Geheimnis um Kater Mau
A Mermaid in Paris (Une sirene a Paris)
The Metamorphosis of Birds (A Metamorfose dos Passaros)
Meurtres a Toulouse
Mi chiamo Francesco Totti
Mic Drop: The Culture of Christian Hip Hop
Min pappa Marianne
Miss Marx
Monster Zone
Monstrously Alone (Monstruosamente Solo)
Morgue Well Go USA Entertainment
Moskau Einfach!
Motel Acacia Gravitas Ventures
Mother to Earth: The Untold Story of Earth Bound for the Original Nintendo
The Mountains Are a Dream that Call to Me
Moving in 2008
Murder Bury Win
My Brother's Keeper
My Cousin (Mon cousin)
My Favorite War
My First Summer
My Heart Goes Boom! (Explota Explota)
My Little One Cinema Libre Studios
My Rembrandt
Narcissus and Goldmund (Narziss und Goldmund)
Nelly Rapp: Monster Agent (Nelly Rapp - Monsteragent)
Night Ride (La nuit venue)
Night Shift (Police)
Nina Wu (Juo ren mi mi) Film Movement
No Roses on a Sailor's Grave
No. 7 Cherry Lane
The Offering (L'ofrena)
The Old Ways
Once Upon a Time in Venezuela
Once You Know (Une fois que tu sais)
One Night in Bangkok
Ordinary Justice (Palazzo di giustizia)
Oskar & Lily - Where No One Knows Us (Ein bisschen bleiben wir noch)
Out of My League (Sul piu bello)
Padre no hay mas que uno 2: La llegada de la suegra
Paper Champions
Papi Sitter
Papicha Distrib Films
Para toda la muerte
Paradise (L'oiseau de paradis)
Parents D'eleves
The Penthouse
Perfect Nanny (Chanson douce) Distrib Films
Petit pays
Phase Finale
Pirates Down the Street (De piraten van hiernaast)
The Platform (El hoyo)
Post Mortem
Poster Boys
The Predators (I predatori)
President in Waiting
Queen of Hearts: Audrey Flack Film Movement
Quezon's Game
Quiet Explosions: Healing the Brain
Rapunzels Fluch
The Real Exorcist Freestyle Releasing
Rettet das Dorf
Return to Gandhi Road
Ride Your Wave (Kimi to, nami ni noretara) GKids
Rolling Stone: Life and Death of Brian Jones
Room 9
Ropes (Cordes) Strand Releasing
Rounded Corners
Rumba Rules, New Genealogies
The Runaways Gravitas Ventures
Sacrifice (Jin Gang Chuan)
Samurai Marathon (Samurai marason) Well Go USA Entertainment
San Mao: The Desert Bride
Santiago, Italia Distrib Films
Saturday Fiction Strand Releasing
Saudi Runaway National Geographic Entertainment
Scales (Sayidat Al Bahr) Variance Films
Scare Us
Scheme Birds
Sea Level 2: Magic Arch
The Second Age of Aquarius
Senior Citizen
Sexfish (Poissonsexe)
Shadow of the Wolf (L'ombra del Lupo)
Shadows (Ombre)
Shall We Play?
Shock Wave 2
Si muore solo da vivi
Sigmund Freud, a Jew Without God (Sigmund Freud, un Juif sans Dieu)
The Sign Painter (Pilsata pi upis)
Silver Skates
Simon's Got a Gift (La derniere vie de Simon)
Sisters Apart (Im Feuer)
Skin Walker Cleopatra Entertainment
Sky High (Hasta el cielo)
Slim & I
Sniper: Assassin’s End
So Late So Soon Oscilloscope Laboratories
Someone, Somewhere (Deux mois) Distrib Films
A Son (Un fils)
Speer Goes to Hollywood
Spring Tide (Chun Chao) China Lion
A Starry Sky Above the Roman Ghetto (Un cielo stellato sopra il ghetto di Roma)
Stealing Chaplin
Still The Water
The Stonebreaker (Spaccapietre)
Strain 100
The Strong Ones (Los Fuertes) Breaking Glass Pictures
Struggle for Love
Sulphur & White
Sunless Shadows
Sunset on the River Styx
Super Athlete
Superagente Makey
Sutton's Case
Takeover - Voll vertauscht
Talking to God
Terra de telers
Terrible Jungle
Teste di cocco
The Eight Hundred (Ba Bai)
The Finch Thief (Il Ladro di Cardellini)
The Scary House (Das schaurige Haus)
The Ties (Lacci)
Thirst Uncork'd Entertainment
This Lady Called Life
This Town
Thou Shalt Not Hate (Non odiare)
Tijuana Bible
Tomiris Well Go USA Entertainment
Top End Wedding
Tout simplement noir
The Trouble with Being Born
Truth Makes Free (Zieja)
The Turncoat (Der Uberlaufer)
Twilight's Kiss (Suk Suk) Strand Releasing
Two Eyes
T’as Pecho?
Un Film Dramatique Cinema Guild
Un mundo normal
Una Chica Invisible
Under the Stars of Paris (Sous les Etoiles de Paris)
Underground (Souterrain)
Unraveling Athena: The Champions of Women’s Tennis Shout! Factory Films
Veins of the World (Die Adern der Welt)
Veinteanera: Divorciada y Fantastica
The Vinland Club (Le club Vinland)
Violet Evergarden: The Movie (Gekijouban Violet Evergarden)
Voir le jour
Weed & Wine
Wheels of Fortune
When Forever Dies
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit (Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl) Greenwich Entertainment
Why Don't You Just Die! Arrow Films
Wild Boar
Wisdom Tooth (Grand Frere)
The Woman Who Ran (Domangchin yeoja) Cinema Guild
Words for an End of the World (Palabras para un fin del mundo)
Working Girls (Filles de joie)
Yakari - La grande aventure
Your Iron Lady

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