Theatrical Release Dates

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TBD 2023
The Portrait Well Go USA Entertainment
10 jours encore sans maman
100 Preludi
1874, Naissance de l'impresionnisme
3 jours max
38°5 quai des Orfevres
40 Vertical Entertainment
791 KM
8 Tage im August
999 - L'altra anima del calcio
Abbe Pierre: A Century of Devotion (L'Abbe Pierre - Une vie de combats)
Acid (Acide)
The Activated Man
Adventures in the Land of Asha (Jules au pays d'Asha)
After the Fire (Avant que les flammes ne s’eteignent)
Alguien que cuide de mi 2
Alien Extinction
Aliens Abducted My Parents and Now I Feel Kinda Left Out Vertical Entertainment
All Inclusive
All Souls
All to Play For (Rien a Perdre)
All Your Faces (Je verrai toujours vos visages)
Alma & Oskar
Along Came Love (Le temps d'aimer)
Always, Lola Good Deed Entertainment
Amore mio Distrib Films
Anibal, el arquitecto de Sevilla
The Appleton Ladies' Potato Race
Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom (Asterix & Obelix: L'Empire du Milieu)
Astrakan Altered Innocence
Athena Saves Christmas
Atlantic Bar
Battle Over Britain
The Beast in the Jungle (La bete dans la jungle)
The Beautiful Summer (La bella estate)
Before It Ends (Nar Befrielsen kommer)
Before the World Set on Fire
The Belgian Wave
Bellezza, addio
Betrayal (Grenzeloos verraad)
The Big Dog
The Bigfoot Trap
Bill Douglas - My Best Friend
Billie's Magic World
Billion Dollar Babies: The True Story of the Cabbage Patch Kids Abramorama
Black Dog
Black Lotus
Black Noise Saban Films
Body Odyssey
Boiling Point
Bon Schuur Ticino
The Book of Solutions (Le livre des solutions)
The Border Crossed Us
Borromini and Bernini - The Challenge for Perfection (Borromini e Bernini. Sfida alla perfezione)
The Braid (La Tresse)
Bravo, Burkina!
Breaking Point
Broken (Toen ik je zag)
The Brothers Gruff Go to Splash World (Bukkene Bruse pa Badeland)
The Burned Over District
The Burning Cold (El fred que crema)
C'est mon homme
Called to Duty Vision Films
A Callout Away
Camino de la suerte
Camping du Lac
The Carnival
A Cat Called Dom
Cattiva coscienza
Caveman - Der Kinofilm
The Channel Brainstorm Media
Chasse gardee
Checker Tobi und die Reise zu den fliegenden Flüssen
Chien de la casse
Christmas Actually Quiver Distribution
Cinema Sabaya Kino Lorber Films
Coeur de slush
Cold (Kuldi)
Comme par magie
Comme une actrice
Como Dios manda
Confessions (Confesiones)
The Cost
Country Gold Cineverse
Critical Zone (Mantagheye bohrani)
The Cuckoo's Curse (El Cuco)
The Cure for Hate: Bearing Witness to Auschwitz
Cyber Heist
Da grandi
Dall'alto di una fredda torre
Dark Obsession
Darkness of Man Well Go USA Entertainment
Das Beste kommt noch!
Das fliegende Klassenzimmer
De man uit Rome
De Perdidos a Rio
De Tatta's 2
Death Is a Problem for the Living (Peluri - kuolema on elavien ongelma)
The Deep Dark (Gueules Noires)
Deer Girl
Delegation (Ha’Mishlahat) Greenwich Entertainment
Den forste julen i Skomakergata
Den, der lever stille
Denti da squalo
Der vermessene Mensch
Des mains en or
The Devil Comes to Kansas City Saban Films
The Devil's Stomping Ground
Devilreaux Lionsgate
Diario de un Viaje Inesperado
Die drei ??? - Erbe des Drachen
Die unlangweiligste Schule der Welt
Die Unscharferelation der Liebe
Dieuleveult, les disparus du fleuve
The Difference Between Us
A Difficult Year (Une annee difficile)
Dimension Slip
Dino Meneghin: Storia di una leggenda
The DOC Vertical Entertainment
Double Life
Drone Games
Early Birds
Earth Protectors
Eat Bitter
Ein Fest fürs Leben
El fantastico caso del Golem
El favor
The Elderly (Viejos) Dark Star Pictures
Employee of the Month (L'employee du mois) Film Movement
En movimiento
En plein feu
End of Summer (Slutet pa sommaren)
An Endless Sunday (Una sterminata domenica)
Enkel für Fortgeschrittene
Erase una vez en el Caribe
Evelyn in the Cloud (Evelyne tra le nuvole)
Ever Deadly Kino Lorber Films
Falling Into Place
Family Dinner Cineverse
The Feeling That the Time for Doing Something Has Passed Magnolia Pictures
Fijn Weekend
The Final Race (Ett sista race)
Finnick Viva Pictures Distribution
Fiori di Baggio
The First Day of My Life (Il primo giorno della mia vita)
Fly Me to the Moon
Flyways: The Untold Journey of Migratory Shore Birds
Foremost by Night (Sobre todo de noche)
Forever Young Vision Films
Four Quartets Kino Lorber Films
Frank Capra: Mr. America
Free (Libres)
A French Summer (Zomer in Frankrijk)
Garder ton nom
Geographies of Solitude Cinema Guild
Get Up
Giorni Felici
Gli Attassati
Good Boy Saban Films
Good Side of Bad
Grasshopper Republic
The Gravity (La gravite)
The Great Escaper
The Great Magic (La grande magie)
Greatest Days
The Gullspang Miracle
H2: The Occupation Lab Film Movement
Hades - Eine (fast) wahre Geschichte aus der Unterwelt
Hai mai avuto paura?
Halloween Park (Karusell)
A Happy Day
The Haunting in Wicker Park Screen Gems
He Never Left
Heart of a Champion Saban Films
Hedy Crilla, maestra de actores
The Heist Before Christmas
Here Cinema Guild
Hermosa Justicia
Het geheugenspel
Hidden - Verita Sepolte
Holistay Breaking Glass Pictures
Hollywood Dreams & Nightmares: The Robert Englund Story Cineverse
Holy Shoes
Home Free
Home Is a Hotel
Home Kills
Hor Her'a!
Hostile Forces Saban Films
How I Got There
How I Learned to Fly Film Movement
Human Flowers of Flesh Cinema Guild
I migliori giorni
I peggiori giorni
I'll Crush Y'all (Os Reviento)
Ibiza Blue (La corriente)
Identity Crisis
If Only I Could Hibernate (Baavgai Bolohson)
Il grande male
Il meglio di te
Il Paese dei jeans in agosto
Il punto di rugiada
Il sol dell'avvenire
Il viaggio leggendario
Il vuoto
In Fidelity
In fuga con Babbo Natale
In the Rearview (Skad dokad) Film Movement
In Water Cinema Guild
Infelices Para Siempre
The Inseparables
Invincible ete
Invitation to a Murder
Io e mio fratello
Iris et les hommes
The Island Saban Films
Jeff Panacloc - A la poursuite de Jean-Marc
John Farnham: Finding the Voice
Jour de merde
The Judgment
Juste ciel!
Justice League X RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen
Kajtek Czarodziej
Katak The Brave Beluga Viva Pictures Distribution
Kenyatta: Do Not Wait Your Turn
Kepler Sexto B
Kina & Yuk, renards de la banquise
The King of Algiers (Omar la fraise)
King on Screen Dark Star Pictures
Kommt ein Vogel geflogen
L'air de la mer rend libre
L'amour du monde
L'arche de Noe
L'estate piu calda
L'experience Zola
L'invenzione della neve
La amiga de mi amiga
La belle ville
La caccia
La ermita
La festa del ritorno
La guerra dei nonni
La guerre des Lulus
La mala familia
La marginale
La Navidad en sus manos
La nina de la comunion
La petite
La primavera della mia vita
La quattordicesima domenica del tempo ordinario
La seconda via
La sirvienta
La Ternura
La terra delle donne
La tete dans les etoiles
La ultima noche de Sandra M.
La vie pour de vrai
La voie royale
Lars er LOL
Las buenas companias
Las Toreras
Lassie - Ein neues Abenteuer
The Last Exit (Little Bone Lodge)
The Last Warrior (Yong zhi cheng) Viva Pictures Distribution
The Last Wife (Nguoi Vo Cuoi Cung)
Late Checkout
Le consentement
Le cours de la vie
Le laowai
Le mie ragazze di carta
Le processus de paix
Le syndrome des amours passees
Les ames soeurs
Les blagues de Toto 2 - Classe verte
Les cadors
Les Deguns 2
Les histoires d'amour de Liv S.
Les hommes de ma mere
Les petites victoires
Les rascals
Les tetes givrees
Les vengeances de Maitre Poutifard
Let Her Kill You (Seule: Les dossiers Silvercloud)
Let Me Go (Laissez-moi)
Letters from the Blue
Line of Fire (De Vuurlinie)
A Little Prayer Sony Pictures Classics
Lo sposo indeciso
Lonely Castle in the Mirror GKids
The Longest Weekend
A Look in the Rear View
Los buenos modales
Los tonos mayores
Love According to Dalva (Dalva)
Love Without Walls
Lucha - A Wrestling Tale
Lucy ist jetzt Gangster
Lust for Life (Una gran voglia di vivere)
Ma ville demain
Make Democracy Great Again
Mamma qui comando io
The Man Who Drew God (L'uomo che disegno Dio)
Manta Manta - Zwoter Teil
Marie-Line et son juge
Mavka: The Forest Song
Me he hecho viral
Meeting Ms. Leigh
Meter i Sekundet
Mi maestra se comio a mi amigo
Mimi - Il principe delle tenebre
Mission Ulja Funk
A mon seul desir
Monsieur le maire
Montreal Girls Level 33 Entertainment
More Than Ever (Plus que jamais) Strand Releasing
Mother and Son (Un petit frere)
Mother, May I?
The Movie Teller (La contadora de peliculas)
Name Me Lawand
Nata per te
Nato 0. El origen del mal
Neither Confirm Nor Deny Greenwich Entertainment
Nelly Rapp - The Secret of the Black Forest (Nelly Rapp - Dodens spegel)
Neneh Superstar
The New Boy
New Tales of Franz (Neue Geschichten vom Franz)
New World Order: Rise of the Dark Prince
Nina et le secret du herisson
No Dogs or Italians Allowed (Interdit aux chiens et aux Italiens)
Noel joyeux
Non credo in niente
Northern Comfort
Nouveau depart
Ocean Deep
Ocho apellidos marroquis
On the Adamant (Sur l'Adamant) Kino Lorber Films
One for the Road
One with the Whale
Only You
Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls Cineverse
Operation White Christmas
Opponent (Motstandaren)
The Ordinaries
The Other Shape (La otra forma)
The Outwaters Cineverse
The Palace
Pancho Villa
Peace to You! (Mir vashemy domy!)
The Penitent
Phantom Fun-World
Philipp Mickenbecker: Real Life
Philosopher of the Sea
Piano Piano
Pornomelancolia Strand Releasing
Pour l'honneur
Pour la France
Pourquoi on se bat
The Pumpkin Man
Puppyhood Lionsgate
Quand tu seras grand
Que nadie duerma
Rage (Beshenstvo)
Rangers of the Lost Ring (Pertsa ja Kilu: Faaraon sormus)
The Rapture (Le ravissement)
A Real Job (Un metier serieux)
The Red Shoes: Next Step
Red, White & Brass
Rehragout Rendezvous
Revolver Lily
Ricardo et la peinture
Rise of the Footsoldier: Vengeance
Ronnie O'Sullivan: The Edge of Everything
The Rooster
Sage homme
Scream Therapy
Se crasher pour exister
Sea Sparkle (Zeevonk)
Seaper Powers: Mystery of the Blue Pearls
Second tour
The Shoshani Riddle
Shoulder Dance Breaking Glass Pictures
A Silence (Un silence)
The Silent Service
Silver Haze
Sister & Sister (Las Hijas)
Skye Hoshi: Anime Girl
Smother (Heimsuchung)
Snot & Splash (Raka ja Roiskis)
Snow Angel
Snow White's Adventure
So tutto di te
Sonne und Beton
Sophia, der Tod & Ich
Sorry/Not Sorry Greenwich Entertainment
Soudain seuls
Space Pups
Spirit of Ecstasy (La Venus d'argent)
Squealer Lionsgate
State of Consciousness
State of Grace
Step by Step
Stronghold Gravitas Ventures
Sugar and Stars (A la belle etoile)
Summoning the Spirit Dark Star Pictures
Super Drunk (Super bourres)
Super Eagles '96
Sur les chemins noirs
The Swan Princess: Far Longer Than Forever
The Book of Wonders (La chambre des merveilles)
The Neighbours from Upstairs (Die Nachbarn von Oben)
And the Party Goes On (Et la fete continue!)
The Peacock (Der Pfau)
The Tesla Case
The Year of the Egg (L'anno dell'uovo)
The Thief Collector FilmRise
Time Addicts
Tobacco Barns (Secaderos)
Toen we van de Duitsers verloren
Toni, en famille
Toopy & Binoo the Movie
Tramite amicizia
The Trust Fall: Julian Assange
Tune Out the Noise
Two Words as the Key (Dve slova jako klíc)
Typist Artist Pirate King
Ultimas voluntades
Ultimate Chabite
Ultimo Recurso
Uma Carta para Papai Noel
Un Amor
Un coup de maitre
Un homme heureux
Un largo viaje
Una commedia pericolosa
Under the Naked Sky (Onder de Blote Hemel)
The Undertaker: The Movie (Der Bestatter: Der Film)
Une histoire d'amour
Unit 234
Unruly (Ustyrlig)
Until the Music Is Over (Ate que a Musica Pare)
Upon Open Sky (A Cielo Abierto)
Vacaciones de verano
Vaincre ou mourir
The Vanishing Soldier
Vera and the Pleasure of Others (Vera y el placer de los otros)
Verano en rojo
Vernissage hos Gud
The Vigilante Well Go USA Entertainment
Viktor mod Verden
Villeneuve Pironi
Voyage au pole sud
Walls (Mur)
Wann wird es endlich wieder so, wie es nie war
The Warm Season
We Have a Dream
Weisst du noch
Werner Herzog: Radical Dreamer Shout! Factory Films
What About Love
When It Melts (Het smelt)
Where the Dead Go
Where the Roads Lead (Ovuda ce proci put)
Where the Wind Blows (Il vento soffia dove vuole)
White Crow
White Paradise (Les survivants)
White Plastic Sky (Muanyag egbolt)
Wild Boys
Wild Game (Villibrad)
Wild Water
A Winter's Journey Sony Pictures Classics
Wow! Nachricht aus dem All
The Yellow Tie
Yo Mama
Youssef Salem a du succes
Yuletide the Knot
Zodi et Tehu, freres du desert

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