Theatrical Release Dates

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TBD 2021
100 Days to Live Cineverse
200 Meters Film Movement
499 Cinema Guild
7 Prisoners (7 Prisioneiros)
7 Yards: The Chris Norton Story
The 8th
9 Days in Raqqa (9 jours a Raqqa)
90 dias para el 2 de julio
98 segundos sin sombra
A Piece of Cake (The Elfkins) Viva Pictures Distribution
Above Water (Marcher sur l'eau)
The Accusation (Les choses humaines)
Adoration Altered Innocence
Africa Strand Releasing
Ai confini del male
The Albanian Virgin
All About Sex Gravitas Ventures
All My Friends Are Dead
All These Sons
All Who Loved Her
Alles op tafel
America Latina
American River
Amityville Moon
Amityville Uprising
Amor Bandido
Apples (Mila) Cohen Media Group
Appunti di un venditore di donne
The Arctic: Our Last Great Wilderness
Arsene Wenger: Invincible
As I Am (Philophobia) Electric Entertainment
As in Heaven (Du som er i himlen)
Au revoir le bonheur
The Auschwitz Report Samuel Goldwyn Films
The Baby Boomer Dilemma
The Bad Poet (Il cattivo poeta)
Bad Tales (Favolacce) Strand Releasing
Badamasi (Portrait of a General)
The Ballad of Billy McCrae Gravitas Ventures
Bangla Surf Girls
Bastardi a mano armata
The Beatles and India
Beckenrand Sheriff
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull
Benelli su Benelli
Bentornato papa
Between Forever
Bigger Than Us
Biking Borders
Bird Atlas (Atlas ptaku)
Bloodsuckers (Blutsauger)
Bloody Summer Camp
The Bowraville Murders
The Breakdown
Broken Keys
Burn It Down!
C'est quoi ce papy?!
Cadet 1947 (Kadet 1947)
California Love Electric Entertainment
Camellia Sisters (Gai Gia Lam Chieu 5)
Can You Bring It: Bill T. Jones and D-Man in the Waters Kino Lorber Films
The Cars We Drove into Capitalism
Chacun chez soi
Checkered Ninja 2 (Ternet Ninja 2)
Chi ha incastrato Babbo Natale?
Children of the Enemy
Christmas at Cattle Hill Samuel Goldwyn Films
A Christmas No. 1
Cicada Strand Releasing
Class Reunion 3 (Luokkakokous 3)
Clint Eastwood: A Cinematic Legacy
Cloudy Clouds (Trube Wolken)
CLUE: The Maltese Mystery (Clue: Maltesergaten)
Code: Karim
Colors of Love
The Colour Room
Come un gatto in tangenziale - Ritorno a Coccia di Morto
Con quien viajas
The Containment
Cosas Imposibles
Courageous Legacy
Crazy About You (The Naked Wanderer) Saban Films
Creation Stories RLJ Entertainment
A Crime on the Bayou Shout! Factory Films
Crime Story Saban Films
The Crusade (La croisade)
Cupid for Christmas
The Cursed: Dead Man's Prey
Daisy Quokka: World's Scariest Animal
Dandelion Season
Dark Heart of the Forest (Le coeur noir des forets)
Das Haus
Daughter of Rage (La hija de todas las rabias)
The Day I Found a Girl in the Trash
The Day We Died (Krudttonden) Samuel Goldwyn Films
Dead & Beautiful
Dear Audrey
Dear Future Children
Death in Texas
Death of a Girlfriend
Death of a Telemarketer
Deception (Tromperie)
The Den (La tana)
Der Boandlkramer und die ewige Liebe
The Desert Said Dance
Detective Chinatown 3 Warner Bros.
The Devil's Tail
Diana: The Musical
The Divide (La Fracture)
Do You Do You Saint-Tropez (Mystere a Saint-Tropez)
Does My Vote Count
Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds
Domina Nocturna
Donde caben dos
The Dose (La dosis) Samuel Goldwyn Films
Dragon Girl (Dragevokteren) Xenon Pictures
Dreams on Fire
The Drifters
Dual Mania
Dusk Stone (Piedra Noche)
Dynasty Warriors
El Father Plays Himself Grasshopper Film
El Poderoso Victoria
The Emigrants (Utvandrarna)
The End of Us Saban Films
Es ist nur eine Phase, Hase
Escape to the Cove
Esluna: The Crown of Babylon
Even Mice Belong in Heaven
Everything of Value (Alles van Waarde)
Everything Will Change
Expedition Content Cinema Guild
Eye Without a Face Gravitas Ventures
The Fall of the Queens (Como mueren las reinas)
Family Survival
Fanny: The Right to Rock
Fantasies (Les fantasmes)
Faya Dayi
Fear (Strah) Film Movement
Feathers Grasshopper Film
Filthy Animals
Finders of the Lost Yacht (Pertsa & Kilu)
Fiona Clark: Unafraid
A Fire Inside
Firenze Sotto Vetro
The First Wave Neon
Fly Me Away (Envole-moi)
For Unto Us
Forgotten We'll Be (El olvido que seremos) Cohen Media Group
Forsvundet til Halloween
Freeland Dark Star Pictures
French Tech (Les 2 Alfred)
The Game: Gambling Between Life and Death
Generation Beziehungsunfähig
Genitori vs Influencer
The Gentiles (Las Gentiles)
The Get Lost Losers
Getting Away with Murder(s)
Giddy Stratospheres
Good Mother (Bonne mere)
The Good Traitor (Vores mand i Amerika) Samuel Goldwyn Films
The Grandmother (La abuela)
The Gravedigger's Wife (Guled & Nasra)
The Great Yokai War: Guardians (Yokai Daisenso: Guardians)
The Green Wave
The Greenhouse
Gulliver Returns
Happy Night
Haute Couture
Headwind 21
Hell Hath No Fury
Help, I Shrunk My Friends
Her Way (Une femme du monde)
Hi, Mom
The Hill Where Lionesses Roar
HIM (Han)
His Name Is Ray
Hit the Road (Jaddeh Khaki) Kino Lorber Films
Hive Kino Lorber Films
Horse Latitudes
How to Stop a Recurring Dream
Hunting Bigfoot
Hustle Down Gravitas Ventures
I Am a Town Cinema Guild
I Am Belmaya
I Am Mortal RLJ Entertainment
I Don't Wanna Dance
I fratelli De Filippo
I nostri fantasmi
Il giudizio
Il materiale emotivo
Il silenzio grande
Il triangolo della morte: i mostri di Firenze
Image of Victory
In the Rumbling Belly of Motherland
Infinitum: Subject Unknown
The Inner Cage (Ariaferma)
Inside the Uffizi (In den Uffizien)
Into the Darkness (De forbandede ar) Samuel Goldwyn Films
Into The Mystery Greenwich Entertainment
Invisible Demons
The Invisible War
Io sono Babbo Natale
Isaac Breaking Glass Pictures
Isabella Cinema Guild
The Island in Me
It Is Not Over Yet
Jack and Jill
Jallikattu Drafthouse Films
James the Second
Joey & Ella
Josep Distrib Films
Jurassic Hunt
The Justice of Bunny King
Kaamelott - Premier Volet
Keyboard Fantasies: The Beverly Glenn-Copeland Story Greenwich Entertainment
Kids Cup (Bortebane)
The King of Laughter (Qui rido io) Film Movement
Kipchoge: The Last Milestone
Kurt Vonnegut: Unstuck in Time IFC Films
L'instant present
La Befana vien di notte: Le origini
La Piel del Volcan
La ragazza ha volato
La regola d'oro
La stanza
La terra dei figli
Landscapes of Resistance (Pejzazi otpora) Grasshopper Film
The Last Farmer (Kadaisi Vivasayi)
The Last Journey of Paul W. R. (Le dernier voyage) Samuel Goldwyn Films
The Last Planet
The Last Temptation of the Belgians (La derniere tentation des Belge)
Last Train to Christmas
The Last Warrior 3 (The Last Warrior: Emissary of Darkness)
The Last Warrior: Root of Evil
Le discours
Le sens de la famille
Le test
The Legend of Hei (Luo Xiao Hei zhan ji) Shout! Factory Films
The Legionnaire (Il legionario)
Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake (Pan de limon con semillas de amapola)
Lena & Snowball
Les Notres Oscilloscope Laboratories
Les parfums Distrib Films
Les Tuche 4
Let Us In Samuel Goldwyn Films
Liefde zonder grenzen
Lion Spy
Little Nicholas' Treasure (Le tresor du petit Nicolas)
Little Tornadoes
Little Vampire (Petit vampire) Shout! Factory Films
The Lodger (Messe Basse)
The Long Walk
Looking for a Lady With Fangs and a Moustache Abramorama
Love Gets a Room (El amor en su lugar)
Love It Was Not Greenwich Entertainment
The Love Letter (Chere Lea)
Lovely Boy
Luizenmoeder - De Film
Lydia Lunch: The War Is Never Over Kino Lorber Films
The Macaluso Sisters (Le sorelle Macaluso)
The Mad Hatter
Magnetic Beats (Les Magnetiques)
Malni-Towards the Ocean, Towards the Shore Grasshopper Film
Man in the Field: The Life and Art of Jim Denevan Greenwich Entertainment
Man of God
Manuale di storie dei cinema
Maria Chapdelaine
Martyrs Lane
Maschile singolare
The Match
Maya the Bee 3: The Golden Orb
Me, Myself and Di
Meat Me Halfway
Memory House Film Movement
Mes tres chers enfants
Minyan Strand Releasing
Missile from the East
Monte Verita
Moon Rock for Monday
The Most Beautiful Boy in the World 101 Studios
The Most Reluctant Convert
Multiverse Saban Films
My Best Friend Anne Frank
My Best Part (Garcon chiffon) Altered Innocence
My Body Will Bury You (Il mio corpo vi seppellira)
My Father's Stories (Profession du pere)
My Little Sister (Schwesterlein) Film Movement
My Night (Ma nuit)
My Wonderful Wanda (Wanda, mein Wunder) Zeitgeist Films
Napoleon - In the Name of Art
The Nation of Butterflies (La Nacion de las Mariposas)
Nemesis Samuel Goldwyn Films
Nest (El nido)
New Gods: Nezha Reborn
New York Ninja
Next Door (Nebenan)
The Night Doctor (Medecin de nuit)
A Night of Knowing Nothing Cinema Guild
Night Raiders Samuel Goldwyn Films
No One's with the Calves (Niemand ist bei den Kalbern)
Nobody Loves You and You Don't Deserve to Exist
Non mi uccidere
Nothing to Laugh About (Ingenting a le av)
Notorious Nick
Nr. 10
Nudo mixteco
The Oath of Cyriac
Occhi Blu
Oh it Hertz!
Omerta 6/12
On a Half Clear Morning (France)
On Our Watch (E noi come stronzi rimanemmo a guardare)
One and Four (Yige he sige)
One and the Same
One for All: The DJ Chris Villa Story
One for the Road
One Second Neon
Operacion Camaron
Operation Portugal
An Optical Illusion (Un efecto optico)
OSS 117: Red Alert In Black Africa (OSS 117: Alerte rouge en Afrique noire)
Ostwind - Der grosse Orkan
Panda vs. Alien Vertical Entertainment
The Pebble & the Boy
People Just Do Nothing: Big In Japan Focus Features
The Peppercorns and the Secret of the Deep Sea (Die Pfefferkorner und der Schatz der Tiefsee)
Personhood: Policing Pregnant Women in America 1091 Pictures
Petite lecon d'amour
The Phantom of the Sauna (El Fantasma de la Sauna)
Pierre the Pigeon-Hawk
The Pilot: A Battle for Survival Well Go USA Entertainment
Planet Zee
Playing the Crease
The Poltergeist Diaries
Pompeii - Sin City
The Possessed
The Potato Venture (Peruna)
Potter's Ground
Pour un zeste d'amour
Pourris Gates
President Greenwich Entertainment
The Prince's Voyage (Le voyage du Prince) Shout! Factory Films
Princesse Dragon
Pups Alone Saban Films
A Pure Place
Queen of the Beach
The Red Orchestra (Die Rote Kapelle)
Red Sandra
Ride the Wave
Rione Sanita - La certezza dei sogni
Rise of the Footsoldier: Origins
Ritorno al crimine
Roaring 20's (Annees 20)
Rock A Bye
Rock Bottom Riser Cinema Guild
Roe v. Wade Quiver Distribution
Roh Film Movement
Romeo & Juliet
Row 19 (Ryad 19) Well Go USA Entertainment
The Royal Game (Schachnovelle) Film Movement
Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning
Rurouni Kenshin: The Final
Sabina - Tortured for Christ, the Nazi Years
Saint-Narcisse Film Movement
The Salvation of the World as We Know It (Die Rettung der uns bekannten Welt)
Sans toi
Savage Days (Jours sauvages)
Saving Sloane
School of Mafia (Scuola di mafia)
Sehnsucht nach einer unbekannten Heimat
Send It!
Senza fine
Servants Film Movement
Sexual Drive Film Movement
The Shadow in My Eye (Skyggen i mit oje)
She Watches from the Woods
Shorta Magnolia Pictures
Shot in the Dark
The Show Shout! Factory Films
Si vive una volta sola
Siege at Rhyker's Station Lionsgate
Silent Night Samuel Goldwyn Films
Sir Alex Ferguson: Never Give In
Slow Machine Grasshopper Film
Small Body (Piccolo corpo)
Smelliville (The Ogglies) Viva Pictures Distribution
Snow Falls
Solo una vez
Some Happy Day
Son of Monarchs
The Song of Scorpions
Songs of Solomon Cloudburst Entertainment
Spider in the Attic
The Spore
Stage Changers
State a casa
State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith
State of Desolation
A State of Mind
Stop-Zemlia Altered Innocence
The Story of Film: A New Generation
The Stranger (Al Garib)
Sublet Greenwich Entertainment
Summer Rebels (Sommer-Rebellen)
Sune-Mission Midsummer (Sune - Uppdrag: Midsommar)
Surviving the Silence
Sweet River Gravitas Ventures
Sweet Thing Film Movement
The Swimmer Strand Releasing
Swimming Out Till the Sea Turns Blue Cinema Guild
Syndrome K
Tailgate (Bumperkleef) Film Movement
Tale of the Sleeping Giants (Tunturin tarina)
Tandem Local
Teach Me If You Can (Etre prof)
Tengamos la fiesta en paz
Terence Lewis, Indian Man
That Cold Dead Look in Your Eyes
The Crypt Monster (Il mostro della cripta)
The Curse of Turandot
The Giants (I giganti)
The Venus Effect (Venuseffekten)
There’s Always Hope
They Say Nothing Stays the Same (Aru Sendo No Hanashi) Film Movement
They Talk
Things Worth Weeping For
The Third War (La troisieme guerre)
A Thousand Little Cuts
Tigre Gente
Til Gilbert fra mor
Tills solen gar upp
Tin Can
Todo Lo Invisible
Tokyo Shaking Distrib Films
Tom Medina
And Tomorrow the Entire World (Und morgen die ganze Welt)
And Tomorrow We Will Be Dead (Und morgen seid ihr tot)
Tout nous sourit
Traces of Madness
Tre piani
The Tree
True to the Game 3
Truman & Tennessee: An Intimate Conversation Kino Lorber Films
Tutti per Uma
Two by Two: Overboard! Momentum Pictures
Un tour chez ma fille
Una famiglia mostruosa
Una notte da Dottore
Una relazione
Una sconosciuta
The United Way
Upheaval Abramorama
Venus as a Boy
Villa caprice
Vince Carter: Legacy Screen Media Films
Vinski and the Invisibility Powder (Vinski ja nakymattomyyspulveri)
A Viper's Pit (Is-Sriep Regghu Saru Velenuzi)
Vurdalak Blood (Sangre Vurdalak) Cleopatra Entertainment
Wait a Minute Mr Postman
Walking with Herb
Wandering Heart (Errante corazon)
We Are the Thousand Breaking Glass Pictures
We Burn Like This
Werewolf Castle
Wetland (El Lodo)
The Whaler Boy (Kitoboy) Film Movement
What If? Ehud Barak on War and Peace Film Movement
Where Is Anne Frank
White Trash (Vitt Skrap)
Who Killed the KLF?
Who We Love
Wild Roots
Willow (Vrba) Kino Lorber Films
Witch Hunt Momentum Pictures
Woodgirls: A Duet for a Dream
Y todos arderan
You Are My Sunshine
You Keep the Kids (Mama o Papa)
You Will Die at Twenty Film Movement
Young Plato

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