Theatrical Release Dates

<< >> December 27, 2021 – January 2, 2022

Wed, Dec 29, 2021
Jockey Sony Pictures Classics
Thu, Dec 30, 2021
Poupelle of Chimney Town
Fri, Dec 31, 2021
G Storm
iGilbert Gravitas Ventures
Munich - The Edge of War Netflix
Operation Mincemeat (Awards-qualifying release)
Sensation Vertical Entertainment
TBD 2022
The Nightingale TriStar Pictures
100 Years from Mississippi
4 Tage bis zur Ewigkeit
42 Segundos
99 Moons Strand Releasing
A Violent Man
A$AP Rocky: Stockholm Syndrome
About Joan (A propos de Joan)
The Accursed Screen Media Films
Acqua e anice
Adieu Monsieur Haffmann
Adventures in Game Chasing
The Adventures of Chuck and Huck (Chuk i Gek. Bolshoye priklyucheniye)
After a Revolution
Against All Odds: Surviving the Holocaust
Agent Game
Ainbo: Spirit of the Amazon Shout! Factory Films
Alam Film Movement
Alaskan Nets Good Deed Entertainment
All I Want for Christmas
All Is Vanity
All Jacked Up and Full of Worms Cineverse
All Russians Love Birch Trees (Der Russe ist einer, der Birken liebt)
Alle für Ella
Alle hater Johan
Alles in bester Ordnung
Alles über Martin Suter. Ausser die Wahrheit.
The Alleys
Alma Viva
Altrimenti ci arrabbiamo!
American Murderer Saban Films
American Reject 1091 Pictures
An Ordinary Mother (Une mère)
Andy Somebody
The Angel in the Wall (L'angelo dei muri)
Another World (Un autre monde)
The Antares Paradox (La paradoja de Antares)
Arnoldo Mondadori
Arsenault & fils
Arthur Rambo
Arthur, malediction
As Real As You Make It
Atomic Hope
The Author
The Aviary Saban Films
Backstage - Dietro le quinte
Bad City Well Go USA Entertainment
Bad Roads Film Movement
The Barkers: Mind the Cats
Bear Witness
Beata te
Beautiful Beings (Berdreymi) Altered Innocence
Beauty of a Blank Space
The Beehive
Before We Say Goodbye (Prima di andare via)
Bella Ciao - Per la liberta
Belle et Sebastien: Nouvelle generation
Ben Stokes: Phoenix from the Ashes
Benedetti, 60 anos con Luz
Beyond the Summit (La cima)
Bibi & Tina - Einfach Anders
Big Freaking Rat
Big Trip 2: Special Delivery
Black Mail
The Black Pharaoh, the Savage and the Princess (Le pharaon, le sauvage et la princesse)
The Blonde Experiment
Blood-Red Ox Breaking Glass Pictures
Blue Lightning
The Boat
Bon Bini Holland 3
Boon Cineverse
Born to Fly
Borrowed White (Geborgtes Weiss)
The Breach
Breaking Infinity
Breaking the Ice
Broken Dreamland (Jossakin on maa)
Brother and Sister (Frere et soeur)
Bubble (Kupla)
A Bunch of Amateurs
The Bunker Game (Bunkier Strachu)
Burn All My Letters (Brann alla mina brev)
Burning Days (Kurak Gunler)
Burning Land
The Butterfly Queen
C'era una volta il crimine
C'est magnifique!
Calendar Girls
Call of the Unseen
Call Sign Romeo
The Calm Beyond
Camila Comes Out Tonight (Camila saldra esta noche)
Captain Volkonogov Escaped Samuel Goldwyn Films
Casablanca Beats (Haut et fort) Kino Lorber Films
Catwoman: Hunted
Chains of Redemption
A Chance Encounter Samuel Goldwyn Films
Children of Sin
Chronique d'une liaison passagere
Citoyen d'honneur
The Climate Baby Dilemma
A Cloud So High
Coeurs Vaillants
Come prima
Come un Padre
Comedy Queen
Con chi viaggi
The Conference (Die Wannseekonferenz)
Control Saban Films
The Conversation
Couleurs de l'incendie
COVID-19: Invasion
Cracked Film Movement
A Cross in the Desert (Sveta Petka - Krst u pustinji)
The Dam
Dangerous Game: The Legacy Murders
Dark Entities
Dark Glasses (Occhiali Neri)
Das weisse Schweigen
Day and Night (Dzien i noc)
Day by Day (Dag for dag)
De Humani Corporis Fabrica Grasshopper Film
De Tatta's
De Zonen van Van As - De Cross
Death and Bowling Wolfe Releasing
Decision to Leave
Deep in the Forest Saban Films
Der Bauer und der Bobo
Der junge Hauptling Winnetou
Der Nachname
Der Onkel (The Hawk)
Der Räuber Hotzenplotz
The Deserter (Desertoren)
Desperate Riders Lionsgate
Devil's Workshop Lionsgate
Devils Lake
Diabolik - Ginko all'attacco!
Die Geschichte der Menschheit - leicht gekürzt
Die Häschenschule - Der grosse Eierklau
Die Känguru-Verschwörung
Die Schwarze Spinne
Dig Saban Films
Divorce Bait Samuel Goldwyn Films
Domingo y la Niebla
Down with the King
Dream Girl: The Making of Marilyn Monroe
Dreaming Hollywood Cleopatra Entertainment
The Drowning of Arthur Braxton
Dry (Siccita)
Du crepitement sous les neons
Ducobu president!
The Earth Is Blue as an Orange Film Movement
East of Middle West
Educazione fisica
Einfach mal was Schönes
El Comensal
El juego de las llaves
El mundo es vuestro
El universo de Oliver
Embrace Kids
Emergency Declaration (Bisang seoneon) Well Go USA Entertainment
En otro lugar
En roue libre
Ero in guerra ma non lo sapevo
Escape the Field Lionsgate
Espejo, Espejo
Everybody's Oma
Exorcist Vengeance
Exterior Night (Esterno Notte)
Eyes Upon Waking
Fading Petals
Faithful (De nos freres blesses)
Faithfully Yours
Falla girare - The Last Joint
The Family (La vraie famille)
Father & Soldier (Tirailleurs)
Fathers & Mothers (Faedre & modre)
Fiddler’s Journey to the Big Screen Zeitgeist Films
Finding Her Beat
Fisherman's Friends: One and All Samuel Goldwyn Films
Flickering Ghosts of Loves Gone By (Et j'aime a la fureur)
Flight / Risk
Flowing (Piove)
Forever and a Day
Forever Mine
Fortune Favors Lady Nikuko (Gyokou no Nikuko-chan) GKids
The Fox (Der Fuchs)
Free Money
From Where They Stood (A pas aveugles) Greenwich Entertainment
Geschichten vom Franz
Girl from the Past (Co Gai Tu Qua Khu)
The Girl on the Mountain Saban Films
Give Me Pity!
Give or Take Breaking Glass Pictures
Gli idoli delle donne
Godland (Vanskabte Land) Janus Films
Gods of Mexico Oscilloscope Laboratories
Gol de Plata
The Good Driver
Goodbye, Don Glees! GKids
Gota kanal - Vinna eller forsvinna
The Grand Bolero
Grassland (Alafzar)
Guardians of Time
Guillermo Perez Roldan Confidencial
Hakan Brakan
The Hanging Sun
Happy F'K'IN Sunshine
The Harbinger Screen Media Films
Heart Cycles
Heart of Oak (Le Chene)
Heartbeast (Pulse)
Hell Dogs
Het Feest van Tante Rita
Hinterland Film Movement
Historja - Stygn for Sapmi
The Honeymoon Lionsgate
Hong Kong: City on Fire
Hotel Sinestra
The House Among the Cactuses (La casa entre los cactus)
House of Darkness Saban Films
Hui Buh und das Hexenschloss
The Hullabaloos! (Kiljuset!)
The Hummingbird (Il Colibri)
Hunt (Heon-teu) Magnolia Pictures
Hunted Saban Films
I Am Zlatan (Jag Ar Zlatan)
I Can Feel You Walking
I cassamortari
I Hear the Trees Whispering
I'm Charlie Walker Shout! Factory Films
Ik wist het
Il mammone
Il muto di Gallura
Il pataffio
Il Principe di Roma
Il ritorno
Il tempio della velocita
(Im)perfetti Criminali
Immenhof - Das grosse Versprechen
In Search of Tomorrow
In the Light of the Night (Im Nachtlicht)
Incredible But True (Incroyable mais vrai)
Infiltration Well Go USA Entertainment
Into the Abyss (Me encontraráa en lo profundo del abismo)
Io e spotty
The Irish Civil War
Is That Black Enough for You?!?
It Is in Us All Wolfe Releasing
Italia - Fire and Ashes (Italia. Il fuoco, la cenere)
J'adore ce que vous faites
Jack Mimoun et les secrets de Val Verde
JGA: Jasmin. Gina. Anna.
Jose Baselga: Cancer's Fiercest Opponent
Journey to Hell
Joyeuse retraite! 2
Jumeaux mais pas trop
Jurassic Cash
Jurassic Tale
(K)nox: The Rob Knox Story
Kampen om Narvik
Kanun, la loi du sang
The Kid Behind the Iron Door
A Kidnap
King Knight
Kingslayer Shout! Factory Films
Kobe: Una Storia Italiana
Koza Nostra
Kwestie van Geduld
L'annee du requin
A l'ombre des filles
L'uomo sulla strada
La degustation
La donna per me
La Fortaleza
La grande guerra del Salento
La Maison
La mia ombra e tua
La notte piu lunga dell'anno
La petite bande
La Piedad
La Soga Salvation (La Soga 2) Screen Media Films
La Svolta
La timidezza delle chiome
La traversee
La tres tres grande classe
La vera storia di Luisa Bonfanti
The Land of Dreams
Land of Dreams Vertical Entertainment
Lange flate ballaer III
The Last Glaciers
Le favolose
Le monde d'hier
Le nouveau jouet
Le petit piaf
Le Pupille
Le stade
Le tigre et le president
Le Tourbillon de la vie
Le visiteur du futur
Leave No Traces (Zeby nie bylo sladow)
The Ledge Saban Films
Legend of the Forest
Leila's Brothers (Baradaran-e Leila)
Leonora addio
Les engages
Les femmes du square
Les Folies Fermieres
Les gentils
Les gouts et les couleurs
Les secrets de mon pere
Les vedettes
Les volets verts
Lieber Kurt
Like Me
Little Jar
Live Is Life
Locked In Society (Eingeschlossene Gesellschaft)
Lonesome Dark Star Pictures
Long Live My Happy Head
Long Way Back
Love, Charlie: The Rise and Fall of Chef Charlie Trotter Greenwich Entertainment
A Lucky Man (Bamse)
Länge leve Bonusfamiljen
Mad Heidi
Maison de retraite
Mama No enRedes
A Man of Reason Epic Pictures
Mancino Naturale
Manifest West Samuel Goldwyn Films
Maria reve
Mars One (Marte Um) Magnolia Pictures
Marx Can Wait (Marx puo aspettare) Strand Releasing
Mat Kilau
The Mattachine Family
Me Tira da Mira
Mein Lotta-Leben - Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka!
Melchior the Apothecary (Apteeker Melchior)
Men on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (Hommes au bord de la crise de nerfs)
Merry Christmas Officer Hansel
Mi iubita, mon amour
The Midnight Maiden War (Mayonaka otome senso)
The Minute You Wake Up Dead Lionsgate
MK Ultra Cineverse
Modelo 77
Mon heroine
Moon Man (Du xing yue qiu)
Moonbound Viva Pictures Distribution
Mother Schmuckers (Fils de plouc) Dark Star Pictures
Mourir a Ibiza (un film en trois etes)
Murder Party
My Dead Body
My Fairy Troublemaker
My Neighbor Adolf Cohen Media Group
My Sweet Monster
The Nan Movie Screen Media Films
Napoli magica
The Neighborhood Storyteller
Nelly & Nadine Wolfe Releasing
Neon Lights Momentum Pictures
Ninjas Down the Street (De piraten van hiernaast: De ninja's van de overkant)
No Name Restaurant (Nicht ganz koscher)
No quiero ser polvo
North of Normal
Nosotros no nos mataremos con pistolas
Notre Dame on Fire (Notre-Dame brule)
The Novelist's Film (So-seol-ga-ui Yeong-hwa) Cinema Guild
November (Novembre)
Nude Tuesday
Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
The Oil Machine
Ojos que no ven
Old Rascals (Vecchie canaglie)
On sourit pour la photo
On the Edge (Entre la vie et la mort) Kino Lorber Films
On the Line: The Richard Williams Story
Once a Hero
One Road to Quartzsite
One Year Off
Onoda - 10'000 Nights in the Jungle (Onoda, 10 000 nuits dans la jungle) Dark Star Pictures
Oskars Kleid
The Other Side of Darkness
Our (Almost Completely True) Story
Out of the World (Hors du monde)
Outsiders Vertical Entertainment
Over & Out
Padre no hay mas que uno 3
Pan American: Volume I
Panama Saban Films
The Path (Der Pfad)
Patrick and the Whale
The Pawnshop (Lombard)
Peaceful (De son vivant) Distrib Films
Per niente al mondo
Perfetta illusione
Petit Mal Dark Star Pictures
Pil's Adventures (Pil) Viva Pictures Distribution
Pinocchio: A True Story
A Place in the Field
Planet of the Astronauts
Playground (Un monde) Film Movement
Plunder Quest
Pobre Familia Rica
Pompo the Cinephile (Eiga daisuki Pompo-san) GKids
Por los pelos
Portrait of My Father (El retrato de mi padre)
Premieres urgences
Private Property Lionsgate
Project Skyquake
Promises (Les promesses)
Puppy Love
Quasi orfano
Queen of Glory Film Movement
Rabble Rousers
Rabiye Kurnaz vs. George W. Bush
Red Jungle (Jungle Rouge)
The Redeemer
The Redeemers (Lunastajat)
Rehana (Rehana Maryam Noor) Grasshopper Film
Remy & Arletta
Rewind & Play Grasshopper Film
The Road to Galena Vertical Entertainment
Roise & Frank (Mo Ghra Buan)
Romy, femme libre
Rookies (Allons enfant)
Rumba la vie
A Run for More
Salma's Home
Saturn Bowling (Bowling Saturne) Dark Star Pictures
Schaechten - A Retribution
The Sea Ahead
Secret Name (La place d'une autre)
Secrets of the Sea
Seire Film Movement
Serial (Bad) Weddings 3 (Qu'est-ce qu'on a tous fait au Bon Dieu?)
Serpentine Pink
She the Creator
Shelby Oaks
The Siege
The Siege of Robin Hood Saban Films
Silent Beauty
Sins of the Father
The Sixth Reel Wolfe Releasing
A Song for Cesar
Soul of the Ocean
The Sound of Scars Cineverse
The Sparrow
Splice Here: A Projected Odyssey
St. Declan's and The Magic Chair
A Stitch in Time
Stories Not to Be Told (Historias para no contar)
Strangeness (La stranezza)
Subtraction (Tafrigh)
Sul Sentiero Blu
Summertime Dropouts
Sun Moon
Super Furball Saves the Future (Supermarsu 2)
Super-heros malgre lui
Surf Nation
Surpassing Sight
Tad the Lost Explorer and the Curse of the Mummy (Tadeo Jones 3)
Tahara Film Movement
Taurus RLJ Entertainment
Tausend Zeilen
Tchaikovsky's Wife
Tel Aviv / Beirut
Tell It Like a Woman Samuel Goldwyn Films
Tendre et saignant
The Art of Love
The Devil You Know
The Mountain (La montagne)
The Padilla Affair (El Caso Padilla)
There There Magnolia Pictures
They Crawl Beneath Well Go USA Entertainment
Things Unsaid
The Things We Cannot Change
This Is Christmas
This Stolen Country of Mine
Three Nights a Week (Trois nuits par semaine)
Three Wishes for Cinderella (Tre notter til Askepott) Shout! Factory Films
Ticket to Nashville Vertical Entertainment
The Time of Secrets (Le temps des secrets)
To the Moon 1091 Pictures
Today We Fix the World (Hoy se arregla el mundo)
A todo tren 2: Si, les ha pasado otra vez
Tomorrow Morning
Tomorrow's Game
Tout le monde aime Jeanne
War Trap
Trois fois rien
Träume sind wie wilde Tiger
Tuesday Club (Tisdagsklubben)
Tutankhamun: The Last Exhibition
Two Deaths of Henry Baker Saban Films
UFO Sweden
Ultimas Unidades
Un mondo sotto Social
Un novio para mi muje
Un varon
Una boccata d'aria
Unboxed Gravitas Ventures
Under Spanish Skies
Une comedie romantique
Unloved: Huronia's Forgotten Children
Upon the Magic Roads
Us or Them
Uyra: The Rising Forest
Vera De Verdad (Io sono Vera)
The Virgin of Highland Park Lionsgate
Virtually Heroes Screen Media Films
Visitor (Visitante)
Volcano Man
Voodoo Macbeth
War Sailor (Krigsseileren)
War: La guerra desiderata
Was man von hier aus sehen kann
Water Gate Bridge
Welcome to Kittytown
Wer gräbt den Bestatter ein?
What Lucia Saw (Llegaron de Noche)
When Christmas Was Young
When the Robbers Came to Cardamom Town (Folk og rovere i Kardemomme by)
Where the Scary Things Are
While We Watched
White Night (Pobo Tzu)
The Wild One
The Wild Ones (Els nens salvatges)
Wild Seas (La passagere)
Will-o’-the-Wisp (Fogo-Fatuo) Strand Releasing
Willi und die Wunderkröte
Willkommen in Siegheilkirchen (Rotzbub)
Winter Boy (Le lyceen)
Wog Boys Forever
Wolf Hound
Wolfkin (Kommunioun)
Wolke unterm Dach
The Woodcutter Story (Metsurin tarina)
The Wraith Within
York Witches Society Vertical Entertainment
You Will Not Have My Hate (Vous n'aurez pas ma haine)
You, Me and the Penguins
The Young Lovers (Les jeunes amants)
Yuku and the Flower of the Himalayas
Zatopek Gravitas Ventures
Zeppos - Het Mercatorspoor

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Changes For December 27, 2021 – January 2, 2022

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